The test will determine the likelihood of a grandparent being related to a grandchild.
A DNA grandparent test is a scientific technique used to determine the likelihood that an alleged grandparent is biologically related to a child. The test compares the DNA profiles of the alleged grandparent and the child to identify whether they share any genetic markers. Buccal swabs are commonly used to collect DNA samples for this type of testing, as it is a reliable and non-invasive method of collecting DNA samples.
People who may need to be tested using buccal swabs for a DNA grandparent test include:
- A grandparent who wants to confirm a biological relationship with a grandchild
- A child who wants to confirm if an alleged grandparent is biologically related to them
- In some cases, both parents of the child may be deceased, and the child seeks to confirm a biological relationship with an extended family member

DNA grandparent testing can provide a reliable and helpful way for families to establish their biological relationships, particularly when other means of identifying family relationships are unavailable. This kind of test may enable grandchildren to have access to important family medical information or to qualify for survivor benefits. DNA testing is a scientifically reliable method to confirm a grandparent relationship and allows individuals to receive accurate information about their family bloodlines.
Results from Home Collection Kits are not legally admissible
COST $2,330
Turnaround Time for Results 5 – 7 business days
Persons to Be Tested: 1 Alleged Grandparent, Child, Biological Mother
Additional cost for additional alleged grandparent – $1,170